Lymphatic Drainage

Through a network of hundreds of lymph nodes, it drains fluid called lymph to be transported back into your bloodstream. It also removes bodily waste and carries white blood cells that help prevent infection. When there’s any kind of obstruction in your lymphatic system, fluid can start to build up.

Gua Shua Technique

Gua sha is a natural, alternative therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation. … Rubbing the skin’s surface is thought to help break up this energy, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Face Yoga

Did you ever wonder what this was? Face yoga involves massage and exercises that stimulate the muscles, skin, and lymphatic system. This technique is designed to soften and relax your face muscles to help alleviate tension, stress, and worry. This may also help you stop making the facial expressions associated with those feelings.

Facial Fitness

We think this is a great video to watch. The idea behind doing exercises is that by building up the muscle, the fat pads will be more prone to stay in place, making the face appear fuller and more youthful.